MAZDA MX-5 2002 (52)
1.6i 2dr

Financial Disclosure
Phil Presswood Specialist Cars is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. (796347) Finance Subject to status. Other offers may be available but cannot be used in conjunction with this offer. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your purchase. Phil Presswood Specialist Cars - Unit 6, 9 Atherton Way, Brigg, Lincolnshire, DN20 8AR. Companies House Number:10820371. FCA number: 796347.
We do not charge you a fee for our services. Whichever lender we introduce you to, we will typically receive commission from them (either a fixed fee or a fixed percentage of the amount you borrow). A customer may ask for commission disclosure at any time from our initial discussions through to the point when their agreement is set live.
Vehicle Description
Always between 30 and 40 hand picked cars available to view on our website.
Phil Presswood Specialist Cars are delighted to offer for sale this outstanding original MX5 with a Full Service History including 18 services. Very low mileage.
Every time we look at this car properly it’s incredible, absolutely incredible to be in this condition, a true time warp modern classic as well as being the best selling convertible 2 seater in the world.
Service History :
MAZDA Service - 30/10/03 - 2,996 miles
MAZDA Service - 02/11/04 - 6,449 miles
MAZDA Service - 01/11/05 - 8,814 miles
MAZDA Service - 07/09/06 - 10,672 miles
MAZDA Service - 04/09/07 - 12,968 miles
MAZDA Service - 09/09/08 - 15,207 miles
MAZDA Service - 16/09/09 - 17,183 miles
MAZDA Service - 03/09/10 - 19,244 miles
Specialist Service - 24/08/11 - 22,025 miles
Specialist Service - 16/08/12 - 24,969 miles
Specialist Service - 21/08/13 - 28,189 miles
Specialist Service - 18/08/14 - 32,882 miles
Specialist Service - 25/08/15 - 36,651 miles
Specialist Service - 18/08/16 - 38,359 miles
Specialist Service - 22/08/17 - 40,639 miles
Specialist Serviee - 11/09/18 - 42,640 miles
Specialist Service - 23/09/19 - 44,456 miles
Specialist Service - 19/08/20 - 45,680 miles
Specialist Service - 01/09/21 - 47,108 miles
Also Serviced by us prior to offering for sale
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More information and photographs to follow soon. Please call the showroom now for further information. Tel: 01652 655555.